This dairy-free pineapple smoothie is perfection

Can you imagine a better way to start your day than with this dairy-free pineapple smoothie with oats and honey? No? Neither can we…



  • 1 pineapple, chopped
  • 2 bananas, peeled
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • ½ cup organic rice milk
  • 60 g rolled oats
  • 1 T honey
  • Dried organic pineapple, for serving


  1. Blend the pineapple and spoon into 2 glasses.
  2. Blend the bananas, pineapple juice, rice milk, oats and honey, then add crushed ice to taste.
  3. Pour over the blended pineapple, top with dried pineapple and serve immediately.

Cook’s note: If you choose to substitute the rice milk with cow’s milk, it is best not to use a large amount as the acidity of the pineapple will curdle the milk. If you struggle to find rice milk, try almond or soya milk or leave it out altogether – the smoothie will still taste great.

(Serves 2)

In the mood to blend your own smoothies?