Dad's Expecting Too!

These days, being pregnant isn’t just a woman thing. Fathers-to-be can get involved, too, and be part of this amazing, life-changing experience even before their child is born.

If you're not a member of Woolworths Littleworld yet, why not find out about the benefits?

  1. Go To Pre-natal Appointments With Your Partner

    She will appreciate the support and the doctor or obstetrician is your best source of information to ensure you feel informed, involved and empowered. Ask questions and take notes. Often the mom-to-be is overwhelmed during these sessions and this is your chance to be the information gatherer on her behalf. Many fathers agree that it was at the pre-natal scans that impending fatherhood became a wonderful reality to them.
  2. Help Her With Chores

    Pregnancy zaps a woman’s energy and the biggest drain usually comes from having to do household chores and shopping.  Help with these, or arrange support when she’s tired.
  3. Attend Childbirth Classes

    These classes are concrete and practical and will help you to feel equipped for what lies ahead. Book these long in advance so you have lots of time to make space for them in your diary.
  4. Help Her To Eat And Live Healthily

    When future dads also heed the nutritional advice given during pregnancy, moms-to-be will be less tempted by food that’s bad for them. And if men quit smoking and don’t indulge in tempting alcoholic drinks and cocktails in front of their pregnant partners, everyone will be healthier during the pregnancy and beyond.
  5. Take Charge Of The Pregnancy Admin

    Insurance companies, doctors and other medical professionals, your medical aid and hospital will all provide you with lots of paperwork. You and your partner also need to plan for the financial implications of having a child. Taking charge of these important aspects is a great way for dads-to-be to offer assistance.
  6. Make Important Decisions Together

    Which care options are you going for – a GP, midwife, doula or obstetrician? Do you want to know your baby’s sex before the birth? Keep the lines of communication open and talk to your partner about her fears and expectations.


  7. Don't Beat Yourself Up

    Don't beat yourself if the pregnancy doesn't feel real to you in the early stages. You’ll get there when your partner starts showing! To make it more real, shop for a cute outfit for your baby.
  8. Top Tip

    Fathers who are closely involved in the pregnancy bond more easily and successfully with their infant after birth.