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Rose Wines
Cape Sweet Rosé 750 ml
R 59.99
Pierre Jourdan Tranquille Blush 750 ml
R 84.99
House Chardonnay Pinot Noir 750 ml
R 69.99
Light Rosé 750 ml
R 69.99
Warwick Dry Rosé 750 ml
R 99.99
Diemersdal Grenache Rosé 750 ml
R 89.99
Natural Sweet Rosé 750 ml
R 69.99
Spier Chardonnay Pinot Noir 750 ml
R 89.99
Strawberry Rosé 750 ml
Wrewards Buy any 2 for R160 Flavoured Wines
R 87.99
Babylonstoren Mourvédre Rosé 750 ml
R 169.99
Kanonkop Kadette Dry Pinotage Rosé 750 ml
R 99.99
David Nieuwoudt Cederberg Shiraz Rosé 750 ml
R 79.99
Domaine Grier French Rosé 750 ml
R 114.99
Waterford Rose-Mary Rosé 750 ml
R 139.99
Fairview Roaming Goat Dry Rosé 750 ml
R 84.99
Le Lude Rosé 750 ml
R 399.99
House of BNG Nectar Rosé Sparkling Wine 4 pk
R 249.99
Silverthorn The Genie Rosé Brut 750 ml
R 329.99
Tranquille Blush Rosé 4 x 250 ml
R 117.99
Grier Sparkling Rosé 750 ml
R 149.99
Cape Lightly Sparkling Rosé Petillant 750 ml
R 59.99
Alexandre Bonnet Rosé 750 ml
R 899.99
Organic Field & Flutter Rosé 750 ml
R 99.99
Cape Dry Rosé 750 ml
R 59.99