Packing Baby's Creche Bag

The end of your maternity leave has come and you have to send your baby to crèche. Once you’re happy with the caregiver, the next important thing is to make sure baby has everything she needs to be comfy and happy while away from you. It’s best to make a list of the items your baby needs and to check that list each morning before heading out the door. This will ensure baby's bag is always properly stocked.

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  1. GEAR

    Pack at least two full sets of clean spare clothing and bibs each day. A plastic or waterproof packet is a convenient way for your baby’s caregiver to store wet or dirty items of clothing which will be sent home for washing. Here’s what else you should pack:
    *Warm hat
    *One light and one warm blanket
    *Dummy with clip (if you’re using a dummy)
    *Favourite soother, stuffed animal or blankie 
  2. FEEDS

    Pack enough bottles of breast or formula milk to last the day. Pack an extra bottle or two in case you get stuck in traffic or have an emergency. If you are using formula, pre-measuring the water and formula powder into sterilised containers makes it easy for your child’s caregiver to feed your baby correctly. After 6 months of age, soft foods such as cereal or pureed fruit and veggies can be packed in.

    You can never pack too many nappies. Send at least 6 nappies for a full day, or else send a packet a month to the crèche which the caregiver can use exclusively for your baby. Ensure your baby has the correct toiletries needed on a daily basis: baby wipes, a facecloth, tissues, nappy cream and powder.

    This is perhaps one of the most important items in your child’s bag! A message book where you can communicate with your baby’s caregiver about their feeds/sleeping and nappy habits on a daily basis. It should also feature your family’s contact details, emergency telephone numbers such as your child’s doctor as well any allergies your child has.