Great Tips For New Parents

As a parent, you may have this nagging feeling that you’re doing it wrong. And if you’ve been around the block already, you can help the newbie parents by celebrating and witnessing their successes. Write down all the awesome things they do. Applaud them. Give them lots of time in the limelight. Here’s how:

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  1. Out and About

    Know a new parent? Figuring out what to do with a young baby or toddler may be incredibly difficult. If you really want to help newbie parents get out and about, give them tickets to the local museum or an amusement park. Even getting them to sign up to the library could give them that well deserved break. Libraries have great programms for kids. 
  2. Meals on Wheels

    Once everyone has seen the new baby, the visits dry up rather quickly and so do all of those amazing meals they’ve been getting. Why not offer to keep the meal-bringing going by divvying up the meals between family, friends and neighbours? Deliver dinner and be prepared to stay and chat if you’re invited or leave the family to a peaceful evening of not doing dishes for once.
  3. Time, Please?

    The gift of time is the rarest and most precious gift you can give. Time to babysit, time to hang out, time to play. It could be a girls' night out, or a date with the kids where you keep them busy with toys while their parents gets some much needed down time. Why not try some sticker books for hours of fun?
  4. Child Friendly Map

    Buy a map of your town and mark the best attractions for families and small children. Some sites to scout out and include: zoos, parks, wading pools, indoor play areas, children’s bookshops, good toy stores, library branches, and coffee shops with toys or play space.
  5. Romance

    Send your favorite couple out for a night to reconnect and recharge. Offer to babysit or steal the kids away while you leave the couple with a movie and some snacks. Put together a date box with some gift cards or tickets and babysitting coupons. Every. Little. Bit. Helps!