Foods To Avoid In Pregnancy

Here is a list of foods that are best avoided in pregnancy. This list is meant as a general guide only; it's always best to get advice on what not to eat from your health care practitioner.

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  1. Tea

    Teas that contain herbs such as cocoa, comfrey, kava root, skullcap, valerian, woodruff, lobelia or mate. (Safe herbal teas include rooibos, ginger and peppermint.)
  2. Excess Coffee

    Excess coffee – check with your doctor for advice as to how much is too much.
  3. Alcohol

    Alcohol, which can cause foetal alcohol syndrome. One drink isn’t going to hurt the foetus, but there is no level of alcohol consumption that experts consider safe.
  4. Vegetables

    Unwashed vegetables.
  5. Fish

    Certain types of fish, like shark, swordfish, king mackerels, river and lake salmon and trout.